🐲 Rickshaw / Buster / What is Rickshaw?

· thoughts , meta

Rickshaw is like a website for a community of friends. It uses the simplest and most reliable forms of internet technology to create a shared space on the internet that is simple and infused with trust and good will. If you want to join, DM me on Twitter or some other way.

Anyone that wants to build their own website for a community can fork this website for free and start their own. You need to know a bit about how to use Github, but it doesn’t require any super fancy technical knowledge.

The steps you could take are:

  1. Create a free Github account.
  2. Fork this repo: busterbenson/rickshaw.
  3. Download the repo to your computer and edit _config.yml to give it your own name.
  4. Edit the _data/people.yml file to include people you want in your community.
  5. Take a look at the content in the _posts and _pages directories and either edit them or delete them.
  6. When you’re ready, commit the files and turn on the Github Pages flag in Github’s settings.
  7. Go to github.com/[your_username]/rickshaw to see your brand new website.
  8. Poke around and change things.
  9. Feel free to ask questions about how to do this on my issues page.